JAI Featured Member/August 2024

Gilah Yelin Hirsch



JAI Featured Member

Gilah Yelin Hirsch


August 2024


JAI Featured Member

Gilah Yelin Hirsch


August 2024


Time and Consequence (diptych, each 60″ x 60″), 2017, acrylic on canvas, 60″ x 120″

What keeps you excited in the studio?

I am riveted by the infinitely unfolding process of following and furthering the unknown. Stroke by stroke surprises are released opening new doors to cognition, recognition and perception.

Looking back at your trajectory as an artist, how would you say your work has developed?

From the start to this day my creative path has been a veiled diary cloistered yet revealed in newly born metaphors producing previously unknown imagery.

What role do you think the artist has in today’s society?

The role of the artist is to reveal universal truth in an original and significant manner as one sees and feels it. Technique is developed to enrich the image and make it more psychophyisologically persuasive.

Reflections of Events in Time, 1978, oil on canvas, 48″ diameter

Reflections of Events in Time, 1978, oil on canvas, 48″ diameter

From Chaos to Coherence, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 50″ x 50″

I am pleased and honored to share this richly illustrated and deeply probing review by Yael Samuel of Archaeology of Metaphor: The Art of Gilah Yelin Hirsch, (Skira, Milan, Italy). The analysis, featured both on the cover and in the text of the current issue of Nashim, #43. Spring 5784/2024, is akin to a biblical and literary exegesis, bringing in multiple associations, mythologies and interpretations.

I am pleased and honored to share this richly illustrated and deeply probing review by Yael Samuel of Archaeology of Metaphor: The Art of Gilah Yelin Hirsch, (Skira, Milan, Italy). The analysis, featured both on the cover and in the text of the current issue of Nashim, #43. Spring 5784, 2024, is akin to a biblical and literary exegesis, bringing in multiple associations, mythologies and interpretations.

What’s the most important advice you could give to an aspiring artist?

Albert Einstein wrote me the following in response to a letter I wrote him when I was ten years old. “Always form your opinions according to your own judgment.” This has been the guide of my life and that which I pass on to others.

Does age matter in art? Why or why not?

Hopefully with age comes awareness, intelligence, cellular comprehension of consequence, growing wisdom, profundity, confidence in one’s experimental innovation, and courage to express one’s singularity. The artist must acknowledge responsibility for each image knowing that it will affect anyone who sees and experiences it. It is therefore up to the artist to understand the power of form and to act accordingly to promote the greater good.

What can we look forward to from you next?

If the past predicts the future, continuous and consistent searching into the unknown, allowing the image to lead the way to new depths of invention and discernment, will characterize emerging work.


Artist Gilah Yelin Hirsch  |  Gilah.com  |  Instagram  |  Facebook  |  Linkedin

Interview questions provided by ArtandCake.com


About JAI


Jewish Artists Initiative (JAI) is a Southern California organization committed to supporting Jewish artists and arts professionals. JAI aspires to be an agent of transformative change by organizing provocative exhibitions and thoughtful programs promoting diverse dialogue about Jewish identity and experiences. Founded in 2004, JAI remains committed to fostering Jewish culture in our community and beyond.


JAI was conceived by the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles in 2004. It was originally in partnership with the University of Southern California Casden Institute and the USC Roski School of Art and Design. For many years we have been under the fiscal sponsorship of the Center for Jewish Culture and Creativity. Members include primarily artists, as well as curators and art historians based in Southern California. The artists go through a jurying process to be admitted as members.

We have collaborated with a great range of Southern California institutions including American Jewish University, Hebrew Union College, UCLA Hillel and USC Hillel as well as a variety of art galleries and public spaces. We have also worked and exhibited in institutions in other parts of the United States and Israel such as the Jewish Art Salon, Hebrew Union College, New York, the New York UJA and the Jerusalem Biennale.



Bill Aron, Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik, Anne Hromadka Greenwald, Gilah Yelin Hirsch, Sagi Refael, Doni Silver Simons, Hillel Smith, Ruth Weisberg, Cathy Weiss

How to Become a JAI Member: JAI welcomes applications for membership from artists and arts professionals. For how to apply and to view the selection criteria click on Join JAI in the navigation links at the top or bottom of any page. Questions: contact JAI at admin@jaisocal.org